We sell and install a proven, affordable, latest technology and highly effective high voltage Electric Security Fence System to protect your property and ensure that intruders do not unlawfully enter your property. It is the first line of defense and enhances the ability to detect and respond to break-ins or intrusion immediately. The intruder will get a short, sharp, painful but non-lethal, safe high voltage (5,000 volts – 10,000 volts) electric shock once the intruder touches or cut any of the electric fence wires. An alarm will immediately triggered by siren and alarm revolving light when intruder touches or cut any of the electric fence wires.
It is already a proven physical security system to many of our customers all over Malaysia and they are happy with our high voltage Electric Security Fence System An optional GSM remote controller & alarm system will immediately send out SMS text messages to 8 pre-set mobile phone numbers (all Malaysia GSM networks) when intruder alarm triggers to alert you to an intrusion.. The high voltage Electric Security Fence System can be installed to any existing fence, existing brick wall, gates, building, roofs and all types of existing perimeter fences. We can do site visit and installation anywhere in West Malaysia.
Our JVA electric fence controller units used are tested by internationally recognized laboratory and comply with
* IEC Standard 60335:2: 76
* Malaysia Standard MS IEC60335-2-76: 2007
* Suruhanjaya Tenaga (Energy Commission) of Malaysia
Call us or email us if you want to talk more about our high voltage Electric Security Fence System, an ideal solution for business and property protection. For more information, please call or sms us.
Econet Security System, Malaysia
BT Teoh (016-4848211)
email: econetmy@gmail.com
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